South Devon’s most experienced, creative and effective TREE Consultancy.
I operate independently as a tree consultant. I like to talk about trees and give straightforward advice. If you’re planning a development or construction project near trees, or need help with Tree Preservation Orders, tree risk management or legal disputes involving trees… I can help.
My services are only available where they add VALUE. Each instruction is agreed upfront, although I generally want to know a little bit extra so we can start off on the right foot. I enjoy solving problems and creating opportunities.
Planning & Development
BS5837 Tree Surveys & Tree Constraints Plans
Canopy Cover Assessment & Biodiversity Net Gain
Tree Reports - Arboricultural Impact Assessments
Technical Details - Arboricultural Method Statements & Tree Protection Plans
Appeal Statements, Hearings & Enquires
Tree Safety & Risk Assessment
Tree Surveys & Inspections
Tree Management Strategies & Tree Policy documents
Woodland Management & Tree Planting
Protected Trees & Legal Services
Tree Preservation Orders & Conservation Areas
High Hedge Assessment
Boundary Disputes
Tree-related Subsidence & Damage to Structures
Expert Witness
Training & CPD
“Excellent Practitioner. Clearly knowledgeable and explains well.”